MED4EBM project has contributed to the Forum of Marine Protected Areas in the Mediterranean which took place in Monaco from November 27th to December 1st, 2021. 


MED4EBM experience in establishing participative and evidence-based planning of local development has been presented in the session DS09 of the Forum: “Ensuring successful integration of MPAs in coastal and marine spatial planning to reduce conservation and development conflicts and increase the social acceptance of MPAs”. MED4EBM presentation is available here.


MED4EM contribution to the Forum of Marine Protected Areas in the Mediterranean is part of MED4EBM Synergy and Networking Strategy to actively involve relevant institutions and MPAs operating in the Mediterranean basin and beyond in a joint effort to develop, apply and spread innovative methods and tools for the effective incorporation of EBM into ICZM for the participatory and evidence-based planning of Sustainable Development in coastal and marine areas.


MED4EBM team attending the Forum included representatives of MED4EBM Lead Applicant (UNDP in Jordan) and three partners (Amici della Terra Italia, TCNR – Tyre Coast Nature Reserve (, PROGES).  


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